Every year, we team up with the professionals at Hoffie Nursery to incorporate the highest quality perennials into our DuPage County landscape design projects. Check out this list of new perennial picks for this year.
Take a Look at These New Perennials for 2020
Delosperma Pink. Ideal for container gardens or ground cover, the Delosperma Pink blossoms from spring through late summer. This new favorite has succulent foliage, attracts butterflies, is drought tolerant, deer resistant, and thrives in full sun.

Eryngium Zabelii Big Blue. These electric blue, thistle-like flowers bloom from June through September and make the perfect addition to a cutting garden. The silvery leaves are mounded below the blooms to give a dramatic appearance. Eryngium is drought tolerant with stunning texture and structure.

Lupinus Westcountry Tequila Flame. The Lupinus Westcountry displays alluring bi-color blooms of red and yellow, which attract butterflies and hummingbirds. This perennial is best used for container gardens or for cut flowers, and will grow in full sun or partial shade.

Digitalis Purpurea Dalmatian Peach. This perennial foxglove has pink-peach flowers on strong stems that mature to a light peach with spotted throats. The beautiful pastel blooms attract hummingbirds while also being deer and rabbit resistant.

Dianthus Devon Cottage Pinball Wizard. Bred in England by Whetman Pinks, this top new pick has spicy scented pink petals striped with dark pink blooms. Mid-sized with a mound of blue-green grassy leaves.

Aquilegia Vulgaris Carol Ann. An exclusive perennial from Swift Greenhouses, the Aquilegia Vulgaris Carol Ann has very sweet double, fluted pink flowers that float above green foliage. An elegant option for cut flowers or containers with an extended bloom time from May through June.

Hosta Dancing Queen. Exciting new hosta with bright yellow leaves that turn chartreuse and glow in the shade. Can be used in shade or partial shade, attracts hummingbirds with lavender flowers, and blooms from August-October. This perennial was named as the 2020 Hosta of the Year.

Aralia Cordata Sun King. Last, but certainly not least is the Aralia Sun King. This is a bold and beautiful anchor for shady areas. The plant’s arching leaves emerge sunny yellow and retain their color, while clusters of tiny white flowers emerge in the summer, followed by purple fruit. Named as the 2020 Perennial of the Year, its excellent cold hardiness is an added bonus.

If you want to know more about these eight top new perennial selections, along with how we can incorporate them into your landscape design, contact us at 630-932-8966.